And here I am, You’ve found me

I believe this post is long overdue. You may not know this, but in the “blog world”, 3 days between posts is seen as too long. I’m afraid to find out what they would say about my 2 1/2 weeks?!? Oh well, this is my spot, so I can do as I please, although I have missed writing.

So, why the long absence? Quite simply, I’ve been writing everywhere else that this place has been put at the bottom of the list! God has yet again been refining me, which takes up quite a bit of my time in my journal and studying His word. I’ve also written, thrown away, and then rewritten a support letter! Who knew telling your own story was so difficult? But I’ve been told time and time again- support raising is not about money, it’s about relationships. I want my supporters to know exactly what I’m doing, how God is moving, how they are such a huge part of what I do- and I guess that’s where writing the letter gets difficult. I’m hoping to get monthly supporters, which isn’t a common idea to most people. If I can get around 20-25 people supporting me about $30 a month, I will have enough to stay and work for my 2 1/2 years. When I break it down like that, it doesn’t sound so intimidating!! God has promised to provide, and also told me that His provision will come in the most random ways, so I’m excited to see how this plays out!! If you would like more information, and to receive a letter, let me know!

I’m walking through 1 John with my Bible study and God is continuing to blow my mind with the depths of His love for us. Some of the book is a struggle to walk through, but I’m loving the way God is growing us together as a group. If you told me last year that a group of my high school friends would gather together every Monday night to seek God out, I would never believe you. I’m so glad this life is as unpredictable as it is.

So as for me personally, I only have 7 weeks of work left at my current job as a nanny. This is both very exciting and very sad as I will miss those kids immensely. I will be gone for the last 2 weeks of August, so from September onwards I need to find another job! If you know of any part time positions opening up, again, let me know! I’m not stressing out, but mum is a bit! 🙂

Here’s to support raising, seeking God’s heart, and learning more about myself then I want to along the way!

With Strength that is not my own, Sam

As good as it gets

Hey there friend. I’m so sorry for my lack of “blog etiquette”. I’ve been more then silent lately, for a few reasons, some good, some not so good- but I will continue to be here. I will continue to speak when I’m called to, and continue to pursue this beautiful heart of Jesus. Just recently I was reading through Colossians, and something really awesome stood out to me, so perhaps I’ll share it with you and you can soar with it!

“We always pray for you, and we give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and your love for all God’s people, which come from your confident hope of what God has reserved for you in heaven. You have had this expectation ever since you first heard the truth of the Good News.”  Colossians 1.3-5

I just love that our faith in Christ and our love for all God’s people grows because of the hope that we have. And looking back on the month of May, I needed a lot of hope, and God is always faithful to provide. (Just a short sermon for today) 🙂 I’ve been dwelling in this peaceful place with God recently and am enjoying the beauty of limited words. He is so good to me.

I’ve also been doing a lot of preparation for my next step back into missions. I’ve been having a tough time explaining to people that I will indeed be a full time missionary even though I won’t be in a third world country at all times. So, seeing this as an issue, I’ve been taking some time to look into different ministries I’ll be involved in, and I am blown away. My heart is overflowing with excitement for my job, passion for God’s people, and sadness for the injustice and lies that Satan continues to throw at God’s beloved. With each discovery I’m making, my heart is growing, and God is confirming over and over my decision to just jump into this full time. Most recently I’ve been in the process of writing a support letter (oh yes, the dreaded finance questions), and I’ve actually been very excited about this! At the beginning of this journey, God promised that my support would come from very unexpected sources, so I’ve been eager to send out my letters and see who desires to partner with me! The letter is just about finished, I need to add a photo or two (oh the photographer in me), and then I’ll be doing a whole lot of stamping and address searching! If you’d like a letter, even just to know more details of what exactly I’ll be doing, email me at

I do believe this may be the shortest blog post I’ve written yet! This is alarming- I wonder what I may have to say in the next one? 🙂

Thank you so much for being patient. And thank you for being here with me. I’ve gone through a bit of “Where do I even belong anymore?” lately, and it is so encouraging to know that you reading this do not expect me anywhere, as long as we can sit on opposite sides of the screen and love on each other. Be blessed!

I’m in love with Jesus. Just saying.

With Strength that is not my own, Sam